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Important advice for fruit sellers by FSSAI

Do you know most of the fruit sellers injects and spread chemicals on the fruits for fastening the process of fruit ripening? There are certain chemicals that are banned by the FSSAI that can harm human beings so the FSSAI had also advised the food sellers to not use the banned chemicals. 

Fruits can be a rich source of nutrients if eaten daily. They provide us all the nutrients and vitamins that other food can't give. The food contains natural sugar that is harmless to our body and it also increases the immune power of the body. 

We all know the saying that  "An apple a day keeps a doctor away", it is true but nowadays the fruits can also harm our body and can result in various serious diseases. 

We people should be aware of the fruits that we take from the fruit seller and we should also try to check that what chemicals are used to keep them fresh before consuming the fruit.  

To restrict the use of banned chemicals such as calcium carbide and acetylene gas that are used to artificially ripening of fruits, the FSSAI had directed to the food commissioners of all the state to initiate the "effective surveillance and enforcement strategy"

The fruit sellers should apply for the FSSAI registration in India to legalize their business and get a Food License from the Government of India.

The story of wax coating on the fruits

Some of the days ago, the politician Ram Vilas Paswan who is a cabinet minister of Food and Distribution wished to eat a salad and the servants rushed to the food sellers to purchase the fruits but they realized that the coat of the fruits is covered with wax. As they analyzed that the fruits are coated high amount of wax they raid on the several shops and fruit sellers and found that all the fruit sellers are putting wax on the food products.

Generally, the fruit and vegetable plants naturally produce wax coats to protect the fruit but as the fruits are separated from the trees, the fruits can get contaminated after some time. So most of the fruit sellers put artificial wax on the fruits to prevent the damage of the fruits but the high amount of wax can be harmful to the human being to consume and it can cause several diseases such as cancer.

FSSAI advise putting natural wax on the fruits and vegetables- Carnauba wax

The Carnauba wax is the natural wax also known as the queen of wax, Brazil wax or the palm wax. The wax is of the leaves of the Copernicia prunifera plant that is found in Brazil. The carnauba wax is also used to coat the drugs and the FSSAI also had permitted the FSSAI License holders to use the carnauba wax. 

But some of the fruit sellers use a high amount of other wax to coat the fruits and some of the fruits glitters due to the high amount of wax coating. The commercial wax ie carnauba is also used to prevent the damage of the vegetable.

The European Food Safety Authority(ECFA) researched and analyzed that the carnauba wax affects the digestive system of Human Being if the wax coating reaches a high level. Hence the fruits should be coated with a minimum amount of Carnauba wax

If You need any help regarding FSSAI Registration You can contact us our Toll free Number 1800-3070-2070


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